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[호주 생활] ABN 넘버 발급받기 2- 발급실전

ABN신청할때에는 ‘The proof of identity (POI) information’ 증거로 첨부하여야하는데요예를 들면 Australian Taxation Office (ATO) tax records and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)등등의 기록들이 정확히 맞아 떨어져야 거절되지 않는다고 합니다.

다음은 필요한 준비사항입니다.


·         ABN

You will be asked if you currently have or previously held an ABN for the entity you are applying for.

·         Tax agent number

Providing your tax agent’s number will enable them to undertake work on your behalf.

·         ACN or ARBN

Companies and registrable Australian bodies will need to register with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) before applying for an ABN.

·         Legal name of the entity

The legal name of an entity is the name that appears on all official documents or legal papers.

·         TFN

Your ABN application will be processed faster if you provide the TFNs requested.

·         Business locations

You will be asked to provide the details of all your business locations.

·         Authorised contact details

The authorised contact must be able to deal with any issues relating to the business or organisation regarding its ABN.

·         Associates details

All associates details must be provided during the ABN application.

·         Business activity details

Your main business activity is usually the activity that is the main source of income for your business or organisation.

·         Date ABN is required

The ABN will not be issued until the date you specify.

·         Declaration

Before submitting your application you will be required to complete a declaration stating that the information you have provided is true and correct.


, 위에 언급된 사항들 잘 숙지하시고요 서류들이 준비가 되었다면,


이제 발급신청을 온라인으로 진행하시면 됩니다.


아래 주소로 들어가셔서 APPLY FOR AN ABN 버튼을 눌러주시면 신청서 작성을 시작하실 수 있습니다.

